Saturday, June 16, 2007

me and my boy friend

I haven't gone over a man's house in the middle of the night in years. Until last night. And it's not what you might think. After several invitations from my sexy sexually ambiguous Nigerian friend, I decided to take him up on his offer to hang out. There were some other guys I knew from school hanging out as well, but they soon left, and we hung out solo.

We talked, laughed, played Scrabble, and some card game that I cannot remember the name of now. It was cool. He's a cool guy. I really think he's just one of those gay dudes that likes hanging out with women. And for some reason, he likes hanging out with me. I've said to myself (and out loud a couple of times) that what I miss more than all the sex I haven't been having is male companionship. Being around testosterone. Well, this may be a little premature, but it looks like I'm on the way to the companionship part.

Damn. Why'd he have to be gay? And double damn, why is he sexy? And triple damn, why does he resemble one of the former loves of my life?

Word of caution: I may be PMSing or something, but if I don't get some soon, I just might explode. This isht is not natural. Damn the former love for up and getting married. The sex between me and him was something serious. The best ever.

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