Sunday, July 22, 2007

moving to canada... or europe

I saw Michael Moore's "Sicko" yesterday. I am completely sickened and disgusted by America's so-called healthcare system. I knew this industry was getting over on folks, but damn.... It was really eye-opening just how far America is behind the curve with actually taking care of its citizens. For anyone reading, this is a must-see film.

This got me to thinking.... What would it be like to live abroad? The only time I've been out of the country was a few hours' worth of shopping over in Windsor and my summer vacation to the Dominican Republic a few years ago. Besides the language barriers, other countries in the Western world actually appear to look out for the physical and mental well-being of its citizens, and they seem relatively family-friendly (or at least more family-friendly than the U.S.).

Folks ain't over there ballin' out of control (and who is here? -- besides our very wealthy), but they appear to be living quite comfortable lives with FREE quality healthcare, low-cost daycare, more vacation time, etc. 5 weeks of paid vacation time per year? Unlimited sick days? Government-sponsored day care that amounts to $1US per day? Government-sponosred workers to come in and help cook and clean around the house? Are you for serious?

I'm not going to be one to make a major life decision based off of a movie. That would be dumb. But let me tell you that this has piqued my curiosity. Let's break this down: I'm 26 years old. Single and childless. Less than 2 years away from finishing my doctorate. Relatively debt-free (or certainly will be really soon). Why NOT go live/study abroad for awhile? This might sound crazy, I'm bout to do some research and start a "Living Abroad" fund.

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