Sunday, July 15, 2007

four days left

My parents are arriving in Neverneverland on Thursday. Previously, I had felt somewhat resentful over the fact that they moved me in and didn't see fit to visit -- not once -- for over 3 years. Now that they're coming is a different story. My parents are probably like anyone else's parents in being slightly... um, judgmental. I'm having some anxiety about having them all up and through my personal space, making comments about what I do/do not do (cook or clean to their liking), how I spend my time, seeing how I live from day to day, as well as how crazy I've gotten over the past two years. I don't sleep normal people hours anymore. I'm constantly up in the middle of the night. I'm apt to become overwhelmed and dissolve into a crying fit. I'm irritable. And I desperately crave my space when I feel like that. And part of me feels like I'm too old to be going through this.

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