Thursday, July 19, 2007

just got paid

Wooohooo!!!! The first session of the summer teaching program is officially over today, which means, PAYDAY! I damn near passed out in happiness when I saw that paycheck. I now have enough money to completely pay off one of my credit cards. All of this for 12 hours of actual teaching per week. *doing the cabbage patch* Although it was a lot of work on the front-end, the second half will go a lot smoother. I have new students, will be teaching the same material all over again. This puts me right on track for my "Financial Freedom" plan. I WILL be free from credit card debt by this time next year. I WILL have 6 months worth of savings in the bank accruing interest. I WILL start stacking away chips for my retirement plan... All before I start working my "real job."

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