Thursday, September 13, 2007

today's screwup

I'm a screwup. Who forgets that they are supposed to teach a class? Well, I didn't forget. I just thought the class was at 3, but it was at 2 p.m. While I was supposed to be teaching, I was in my office preparing for the class, thinking I was ahead of the game. Can you believe that? Either way, I effectively missed showing up for work. Aww man, it is truly no wonder that I don't get kicked out of here. It's way too early in the semester for this mess...


Brown Sugar said...

LOL. Don't feel bad. I did that once except with me I completely overslept. Missed the alarm. And my co-teacher was nowhere to be found. LOL.

orangemoon said...

I wrote this in a semi-panic. I was about to start crying once I realized the mistake, but then I had another class in an hour so I couldn't turn on the water works just yet.

I left the prof I'm teaching for know what had happened. She told me it was ok, these things do happen, just to email the class with "homework" and quickly review for next session.

I was mortified that this happened, but it's 1000% better now.