Sunday, September 30, 2007

one year older

My birthday is coming up again in just a few weeks. As I get older, I tend to get all weird and self-reflective, and this birthday is no different. I have spent the last year or so confronting some things that happened to me that were not OK, feeling sorry for myself (or grieving, as my therapist calls it), and doing what I had to do to get through. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm not saying this was wasted time or opportunity because I believe I needed to experience this to go through to the other side.

If I had to spend the next year doing anything, it's firming up the vision of what I want my life to look like, and putting the steps in motion to get there. I had a dream that I had my own kitten. A beautiful orange calico kitten. Seems random, but I cannot tell you how much my heart yearns to have something or someone to nurture. Something to come home to. Maybe this is part of my maternal instinct manifesting.

I feel like I'm rambling now.... Anyway, any progress, real or imagined, is welcomed over here. I'm anxious but I look forward to this next year because it means moving forward.

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